python - Django 1.8: How use Model from different application? -

my problem want create common-application (this can standard python module) e.g.:

  • model_1
  • model_2
  • model_3

and create application_1 , application_2 models common-application being used e.g.:

  • application_1

    • model_1
    • model_2
    • model_4 - app specific additional model
  • application_2

    • model_1
    • model_2
    • model_3

really don't know how , should like.. :/

is possible ?

ps. , if want write database_router split applications between 2 databases makes problem impossible solve ?

you can implement common models in common_application's file abstract model, adding following model's class:

class meta:     abstract = true 

then, in other applications can import common models so:

from common_application.models import model_1, model_2, model_3 

and instantiate model classes derive abstract model class:

class model_1a(model_1): 

more details on model class inheritance can found here


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