otp - About a client for pusher written in Erlang -

i want write module need able push message pusher in erlang. found repo https://github.com/bradfordw/pusherl, not maintained anymore, think can adapt make work. followed readme, , ran rebar command. open rebar console command

./rel/pusherl/bin/pusherl console 

so server should start. when try call

gen_server:call(pusherl_server, {push, {"channelname", "eventname", "payload"}}). 

then throws error:

exception exit: {noproc,{gen_server,call,                                    [pusherl_server,                                     {push,       {"channelname","eventname","payload"}}]}}      in function  gen_server:call/2 (gen_server.erl, line 182) 

i'm quite new erlang , otp, , takes me half of day make work not successful. please me solve this. appreciate.

by way, if know other pusher client, please suggest me. lot.

here code gen_server callback:

-module(pusherl_server). -behaviour(gen_server). -define(server, ?module). -define(jp, fun(k,v) -> string:join([k,v],"=") end).  -record(state,{app_id, key, secret}).  -export([start_link/0]).  -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]).  start_link() ->   gen_server:start_link({local, ?server}, ?module, [], []).  init(_) ->   {ok, pusherappid} = application:get_env(pusher_app_id),   {ok, pusherkey} = application:get_env(pusher_key),   {ok, pushersecret} = application:get_env(pusher_secret),   {ok, #state{app_id=pusherappid, key=pusherkey, secret=pushersecret}}.  handle_call({push, {channelname, eventname, payload}}, _from, state) ->   case http_request(channelname, eventname, payload, state) of     {ok, _} -> {reply, ok, state};     {error, _} -> {reply, error, state}   end; handle_call(_request, _from, state) ->   {noreply, ok, state}.  handle_cast({push, {channelname, eventname, payload}}, state) ->   case http_request(channelname, eventname, payload, state) of     {ok, _} -> {noreply, ok, state};     {error, _} -> {noreply, error, state}   end; handle_cast(_msg, state) ->   {noreply, state}.  handle_info(_info, state) ->   {noreply, state}.  terminate(_reason, _state) ->   ok.  code_change(_oldvsn, state, _extra) ->   {ok, state}.  http_request(channelname, eventname, payload, config) when is_list(channelname), is_record(config, state) ->   {ok, reqprops} = http_request_props(payload, eventname, channelname, config),     httpc:request(post, reqprops, [], []).  http_request_props(payload, eventname, channelname, #state{app_id=appid, key=appkey, secret=appsecret}) ->     md5string = lists:flatten([io_lib:format("~2.16.0b",[n]) || <<n>> <= crypto:md5(payload)]),   tosign = ["post",                 lists:flatten(["/apps/", appid, "/channels/", channelname, "/events"]),                 string:join([?jp("auth_key", appkey),         ?jp("auth_timestamp", get_time_as_string()),         ?jp("auth_version", "1.0"),         ?jp("body_md5", md5string),                 ?jp("name", eventname)                 ],"&")   ],     authsignature = signed_params(tosign, appsecret),     queryparams = [         ?jp("auth_key", appkey),       ?jp("auth_timestamp", get_time_as_string()),       ?jp("auth_version","1.0"),       ?jp("body_md5", md5string),         ?jp("auth_signature", authsignature),         ?jp("name", eventname)     ],   url = http_api_url(appid, channelname, queryparams),   {ok, {url, [], "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", payload}}.  http_api_url(appid, channelname, queryparams) ->   querystring = string:join(queryparams,"&"),   lists:flatten(["http://api.pusherapp.com/apps/",appid,"/channels/",channelname,"/events?", querystring]).  get_time_as_string() ->   {m, s, _} = now(),   integer_to_list(((m * 1000000) + s)).  signed_params(params, secret) ->     lists:flatten([io_lib:format("~2.16.0b",[n]) || <<n:8>> <= sha2:hmac_sha256(secret, string:join(params,"\n"))]). 

noproc means process you're trying call not running. need start with:


note link pusherl_server process calling process. if you're running in shell, , causes error, error propagate across link pusherl_server process , kill it, have start again.

to avoid that, can either unlink process after starting it:

{ok, pid} = pusherl_server:start_link(). unlink(pid). 

or add start function module, same start_link except calls gen_server:start instead of gen_server:start_link.


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