tmux : config files are not used -

i use tmux (tmux 1.8) ubuntu 14.04. wanted configure bit via ~/.tmux.conf. whatever set inside file tmux session looks same. tried fresh new /etc/tmux.conf still same display.

it seems config hardcoded , cannot change it. if remove these 2 files (~/.tmux.conf , /etc/tmux.conf) tmux session still same. tmux runs can not configure it. should simple...

does have seen this? , how solve that? need compile fresh new release of tmux?

today, have more details :

on 1 machine works expected. it's ok. did not changed anything! strange...

but on machine (also running ubuntu same release , up2date first machine) not work. file /etc/tmux.conf not exist on none of these 2 machines. put little config file (~/.tmux.conf) :

# start window numbering @ 2 set -g base-index 2 

when launch tmux on second machine, window numbering starts @ 0. on first machine same config file, behaves correctly : starts @ 2.
i'm going crazy!

after make changes ~/.tmux.conf make sure tmux sources them tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf shell command.


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