javascript - Ionic /How to select multiple options from select control(Maximum selection will 3 options only)? -

i'm using ionic 1.3.16 version currently. here need select multiple options in select control.

here ionic html code:

<div class="list">     <label class="item item-input item-select">         <div class="input-label">             lightsaber         </div>         <select>             <option>blue</option>             <option selected>green</option>             <option>red</option>         </select>     </label> </div> 

you missing value attribute in select option, because when select option reflect ng-model.additionally select multiple need add multiple attribute in select.


<select ng-model="selectedvalues" multiple>     <option ng-repeat="option in options" value="{{option.value}}">{{}}</option> </select> {{selectedvalues}} 


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