sh - Center a Text in terminal -

i write follow script, print 1 name center of terminal. in last command, when use numbers, ok. however, when use variables x_center , y_center have trouble...

#!/bin/sh `clear`  num_lines=`tput lines` num_cols=`tput cols`  echo "enter name: " read name  length_name=`echo $name | wc -c ` length_name=`expr $length_name - 1`  offset=`expr $length_name / 2` x_center=`expr $num_lines / 2` y_center=`expr $num_cols / 2` y_center=`expr $offset + $x_center`  printf "%s = %d, %s = %d\n" "x" "$x_center" "y" "$y_center"  echo -n "\033[$x_center;$y_centerf" $name 

that last line looks if intended move cursor:

echo -n "\033[$x_center;$y_centerf" $name 

however, not because fragment $y_centerf not defined, , not end appropriate final character of control sequence. rather this, 1 can do

tput cup $x_center $y_center echo "$name" 

the cup means "cursor position", , can found in terminfo(5) manual page. cup likewise can found in xterm control sequences. fragment indicated copied example using similar hvp:

csi ps ; ps f       horizontal , vertical position [row;column] (default =       [1,1]) (hvp). 

curly braces repair it, e.g., ${y_center}f), (a) hvp less common cup , (b) using hard-coded escapes when tput working problematic.


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