objective c - iOS: ImageMagick compiler warnings in Xcode -

i using imagemagick in ios project, library outdated because previous developer used source code this. using xcode 6.3.2 , want use cocoapods integrate imagemagick in project instead of copying source files. when integrate imagemagick cocoapods 4 compiler warnings.

this content of pods file:

target 'myproject'     pod 'imagemagick', '6.8.8-9' end 

these 4 warnings:

enter image description here

if try change file warning popup

enter image description here

and can't unlock file, other error

enter image description here

i not familiar imagemagick.

are these warnings important? should change .h file , configure properly? how can unlock file? ideas on should configure eliminate these warnings?

is way go? doesn't feel right modify file inside cocoapod.

in cocoapods there compiled version of imagemagick. need define these macros target hide warnings. understood, won't change in imagemagick, because compiled.

so, open preprocessor macros settings target or if have several targets, whole project:


and add 2 variables both "debug" , "release":

magickcore_hdri_enable=0 magickcore_quantum_depth=16



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