- Two different expirations dates for twilio audio files -

i have uses twilio , app has 2 different sets of audio files:

  1. menus (files never change)
  2. information (files change constantly)

at moment had set cache files of couldn't figure out how set different expiration date before send file twilio, problem been twilio download files directly website, far understand cannot set cache using

i using xml below in web.config in directory files @ moment cannot find way specify different values different files, example:

  • menu1.wav - max cache
  • meny2.wav - max cache
  • info1.wav - no cache
  • info2.wav - no cache

is possible?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration>       <system.webserver>           <staticcontent>               <clientcache cachecontrolmode="disablecache" />           </staticcontent>       </system.webserver> </configuration> 

twilio evangelist here.

looks can use <location> element define different folders have different cache policys on them:

how configure static content cache per folder , extension in iis7?

hope helps.


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