android - BroadcastReceiver trying to return result during a non-ordered broadcast Weird Error -

this error started occurring when app launched first time though not sending push notification:

 broadcastreceiver trying return result during non-ordered broadcast         java.lang.runtimeexception: broadcastreceiver trying return result during non-ordered broadcast                 @ android.content.broadcastreceiver.checksynchronoushint(                 @ android.content.broadcastreceiver.setresultcode(                 @ com.pushnotification.gcmbroadcastreceiver.onreceive(                 @                 @$1700(                 @$h.handlemessage(                 @ android.os.handler.dispatchmessage(                 @ android.os.looper.loop(                 @                 @ java.lang.reflect.method.invoke(native method)                 @ java.lang.reflect.method.invoke(                 @$                 @ 

the code broadcastreceiver:

public class gcmbroadcastreceiver extends wakefulbroadcastreceiver {     @override     public void onreceive(context context, intent intent) {         // explicitly specify gcmintentservice handle intent.         componentname comp = new componentname(context.getpackagename(),                 gcmintentservice.class.getname());          // start service, keeping device awake while launching.         startwakefulservice(context, (intent.setcomponent(comp)));          /* crash pointing line */         setresultcode(activity.result_ok);     } } 

the error started showing after implemented following code in intentservice (also doesn't called on app launch). not every time, i.e. after uninstalling , running app android studio error occurs , doesn't.

broadcastreceiver receiver; public void downloadlistener(final string zipfile) {   receiver = new broadcastreceiver() {     @override     public void onreceive(context context, intent intent) {       string action = intent.getaction();        if (downloadmanager.action_download_complete.equals(action)) {         long downloadid = intent.getlongextra(downloadmanager.extra_download_id, 0);          downloadmanager.query query = new downloadmanager.query();         query.setfilterbyid(downloadreference);         cursor c = downloadmanager.query(query);          if (c.movetofirst()) {           int columnindex = c.getcolumnindex(downloadmanager.column_status);           if (downloadmanager.status_successful == c.getint(columnindex)) {             dismissprogressdialog();             showprogress("almost done", "unzipping , installing database", pd.style_spinner);           }         }       }     }   };    context.registerreceiver(receiver, new intentfilter(downloadmanager.action_download_complete)); } 

in manifest:

<receiver   android:name="com.pushnotification.gcmbroadcastreceiver"   android:permission="" >   <intent-filter>     <action android:name="" />     <category android:name="com.geovision.ffmsnativeprototype" />   </intent-filter> </receiver>  <service android:name=".webservicecommunication.systemdatabaseservice" /> 

after commenting out line setresultcode(activity.result_ok); recommended answer another question intentservice push notification received notification content 

my case same weird push message received on app start

according answer

this google related feature not big deal , can filtered programatically.

@override     protected void onhandleintent(intent intent)     //receive pushnotification     {          bundle extras = intent.getextras();         googlecloudmessaging gcm = googlecloudmessaging.getinstance(this);         // getmessagetype() intent parameter must intent received         // in broadcastreceiver.         string messagetype = gcm.getmessagetype(intent);          if (!extras.isempty()) {  // has effect of unparcelling bundle             /*              * filter messages based on message type. since gcm              * extended in future new message types, ignore              * message types you're not interested in, or don't              * recognize.              */             if (googlecloudmessaging.                     message_type_send_error.equals(messagetype)) {                 //   sendnotification("send error: " + extras.tostring());             } else if (googlecloudmessaging.                     message_type_deleted.equals(messagetype)) {                 //      sendnotification("deleted messages on server: " +                 //     extras.tostring());                 // if it's regular gcm message, work.             } else if (googlecloudmessaging.                     message_type_message.equals(messagetype)) {                   log.i(tag, "pushnotification received @ " + systemclock.elapsedrealtime());                   extradata=extras.getstring("extradata");                 from=extras.getstring("from");                 title=extras.getstring("title");                 message=extras.getstring("message");                  log.i(tag, "received: " + extras.tostring()+" m"+messagetype);      if(title!=null) { 
                    if(from.equals(""))                     {                         //related google ... not perform action                     }                     else {                        //handle received notification                         } 


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