Trying to multiply all elements in a list of sublists with elements in another list in lisp -

i'm trying multiply list n sublists list n scalars. it's supposed work this:

(kmult-matrix '((3 4 2 4) (2 5 6 9) (1 -2 8 10))   '(2 3 5))  => ((6 8 4 8) (6 15 18 27) (5 -10 40 50)) 

each nth sublist multiplied nth scalar in second list. here's got far:

(defun kmult-matrix (m k)   (apply 'append (mapcar (lambda (x1)             (mapcar (lambda (x2)                             (mapcar (lambda (x3)                                     (* x3 x1))                                     x2))                           m))           k))) 

which results in:

((6 8 4 8) (4 10 12 18) (2 -4 16 20) (9 12 6 12) (6 15 18 27) (3 -6 24 30) (15 20 10 20) (10 25 30 45) (5 -10 40 50)) 

hope it's ok ask assigment , have feeling i'm not far away solution. btw, have use mapcar.

it's lot easier that. remember mapcar can take more 1 list. thus:

(defun kmult-matrix (m k)   (mapcar (lambda (list k)             ;; inside here list ,              ;; it's corresponding multiplier k             ...)           m           k)) 

the result outer map list many elements there sublists m (and corresponding elements in k). inside lambda map on lst multiplication per element. inner map produces once list answer per element in outer map.


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