Store byte[] in MongoDB using Java -

i insert document collection field of byte[]. when query inserted document field, returns different byte[]. how fix that?

byte[] inputbytes = ...  mongocollection<document> collection = _db.getcollection("collectionx"); document doc = new document("test", 1).append("val", inputbytes); collection.insertone(doc.getdocument());  mongocursor<document> result = collection.find(eq("test", 1)).iterator(); document retrived_doc =; cursor.close();  byte[] outputbytes = ((binary)retrived_doc.get("val")).getdata();  // inputbytes = [b@719f369d // outputbytes = [b@7b70cec2 

you can encode byte array , store in doc decode after extraction retrieve original.

static string   encodebase64string(byte[] binarydata) 

encodes binary data using base64 algorithm not chunk output.

static byte[]   decodebase64(string base64string) 

decodes base64 string octets.

please refer link -


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