c# - Xamarin PCL library and Sqlite data storage -

i'm developing cross platform application xamarin android, ios , windows phone. i'm creating pcl library contains business logic including calls rest api. seem work fine, however, need store bits of information in persistent space, such api authentication keys etc, , figured might use sqlite this, seems supported on 3 platforms.

the problem i'm running system.data , mono.data.sqlite don't seem available within context of pcl project.

even if pcl library can't, or doesn't, link required assemblies, should @ least able use references (through using) in pcl library, right? mean, should able have application responsible creating database connection , use dependency injection inject connection library. seems can't make references in code system.data , mono.data.sqlite @ all.

how abstract data layer in pcl library xamarin android, ios , windows phone?

[1] http://developer.xamarin.com/guides/ios/advanced_topics/system.data/

i recommend using sqlite.net.async. can use di inject platform implementation (isqliteplatform) pcl side. option use sqlite-net pcl if don't want use di.


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