Assigning variables confusion in Python 3 -

i thought understood how assignment works, after running these 2 pieces of code realized pretty confused now.

this in python 3.3:

numbers=[1,4,3] hello=numbers.reverse() print(hello) none 

when print(numbers) instead, [3,4,1] expecting when printing hello.

on example:

numbers='yeah' hello=numbers.capitalize() print(hello) yeah 

how come when assigning list second variable, first example shows, none when printing second variable, when assigning string not happen? ran in python visualizer, still not answer question how/why is.

that's because numbers.reverse() reverses list in place.

your code shoud be:

numbers=[1,4,3] numbers.reverse() print(numbers) 

or if don't want modify original list numbers, copy numbers hello:

from copy import copy numbers=[1,4,3] hello=copy(numbers) hello.reverse() print(hello) 

the documentation of methods tell if method works in place (i.e. change object calling method on to), or if returns result


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