symfony - Symfony2 Knp-snappy to generate PDF from a twig view that contain heicharts -

i want generate pdf file twig view contains heighcharts heighcharts not displayed in pdf file. why ? suggestions

$html = $this->render('acmequizbundle:resultat:show.html.twig', array(             'entity'      => $entity,             'chart'=>$ob         ));   return new response(     $this->get('knp_snappy.pdf')->getoutputfromhtml($html,array('encoding'=>'utf-8','enable-javascript' => true,'images' => true)),     200,     array(         'content-type'          => 'application/pdf',         'content-disposition'   => 'attachment; filename="rapport.pdf"'     ) ); 

highcharts js library, uses client's browser generate charts. should generate charts on server side in image format , include pdf twig template.

some info server side charts generation:


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