authentication - Yii2 autologin doesn't work -

i try realize autologin feature in yii2.

so i've enabled autologin in configuration:

'user' => [     'identityclass' => 'app\models\user',     'enableautologin' => true,     'loginurl' => ['account/login', 'account', 'account/index'], ], 

also i've added rememberme field in form configuration

public function scenarios() {     return [         'login' => ['username','password','rememberme'],         'activate' => ['password','passwordrepeat'],         'register' => ['username', 'mail'],         'setup' => ['username', 'password', 'passwordrepeat', 'mail', 'secretkey'],     ]; } // ... [     ['rememberme'],      'boolean',     'on' => 'login', ], 

i'm using @ login:

public function login() {     //var_dump((bool) ($this->rememberme)); exit();     if (!$this->validate()) {         return false;     }      return yii::$app->user->login($this->getuser(), (bool) ($this->rememberme) ? 3600*24*30 : 0); } 

if log in, users function getauthkey function called , new auth_key generated.

public function generateauthkey() {     $this->auth_key = yii::$app->getsecurity()->generaterandomstring();     helper::save($this);     // helper database helper update rows last_modified_at , similar in database }  /**  * @inheritdoc  */ public function getauthkey() {     $this->generateauthkey();     return $this->auth_key; } 

but always, log in, doesn't set cookie variables. cookies always

console.write_line(document.cookie) # => "_lcp=a; _lcp2=a; _lcp3=a" 

and if restart browser i'm not logged in. doing wrong?

it seems yii doesn't work cookies correctly:

var_dump(yii::$app->getrequest()->getcookies()); exit(); 

results in:

object(yii\web\cookiecollection)#67 (2) { ["readonly"]=> bool(true) ["_cookies":"yii\web\cookiecollection":private]=> array(0) { } }  

if access via $_cookie have same values in js.

thanks in advance

i guess don't have generate auth key every time in getauthkey method. app tries compare database value auth key stored in cookie. generate once before user insert:

/**  * @inheritdoc  */ public function getauthkey() {     return $this->auth_key; }  /**  * @inheritdoc  */ public function beforesave($insert) {     if (!parent::beforesave($insert)) {         return false;     }     if ($insert) {         $this->generateauthkey();     }     return true; } 


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