c# - How to hide open dialog box while writing pdf file in .net -

i using following create pdf document in c#.net

    response.clear();     response.clearheaders();     response.clearcontent();     response.contenttype = "application/pdf"; //"application/pdf";     response.addheader("content-length", stream.length.tostring());     response.addheader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=" + string.format("d:\\members-{0}.pdf", string.format("{0:ddmmyyyy}", datetime.today)));     response.contentencoding = new system.text.utf8encoding();      response.binarywrite(stream.toarray());     response.flush();     stream.close();     response.end(); 

note: stream content want write

issue : dialog box opening, asked me save times. want hide dialog box , save file wherever required. please me


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