javascript - how to change a obj value in the uploader (ajax)? -

i still try change 1 value on thish script via js (remotepath), please give me informations :)

thank you!

$('#uploader_div').ajaxupload(         {         url:            'upload.php',         droparea:       '#drop_here',         remotepath:     'user/user1/',  <-- how change value         ... 

like this

            remotepath:     'user/user2/' 


<div id="uploader_div"></div> <a id="link" href="#" onclick="newvalue();"> change user2 </a> <!--change click--> <script>     var uplobj = {         url: 'upload.php',         droparea: '#drop_here',         remotepath: 'user/user1/', // change click         autostart: true,         hideuploadbutton: true,         removeonsuccess: true,          maxconnections: 0,         maxfilesize: '20m',         allowext: ['mp3']     };     function newvalue()      {         uplobj.remotepath = 'user/user2/'; // change click = 'none';     };         $('#uploader_div').ajaxupload(uplobj); </script> 

you can change object anytime before ajax call if have reference it.

var obj = {     url:            'upload.php',     droparea:       '#drop_here',     remotepath:     'user/user1/' }; obj.remotepath = 'user/user2/'; $('#uploader_div').ajaxupload(obj); 

edit in response more code

i read through docs supposed pass standard jquery options object ajaxupload. right have mix of jquery options , data perhaps see jquery docs more info on settings valid.

a simple fix might putting current data in data options attribute.

$('#uploader_div').ajaxupload({data: obj}); 


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