c++ - Accessing Iterator After Deletion Causes Crash -

so i'm used coding in c# , have started using c++ again after pretty substantial break. i'm trying create program has lists of students ids, in courses.

i have code prints out available students in courses.

auto allcourses = wsucourse::getallcourses();    std::for_each(        allcourses.begin(),        allcourses.end(),        getcourseprinter()); 

the getcourseprinter() called in code in constructor

struct getcourseprinter {    void operator () (       mycourse *courseptr    )    {       std::cout << courseptr->getidentifier() <<          ": " <<          courseptr->gettitle() <<          std::endl;    } }; 

my problem after delete enrollment so

myenrollment *enrollmentptr = myenrollment::findenrollment(    mystudent::getstudentwithuniqueid(1000002),    mycourse::getcoursewithidentifier("cs 2800") ); delete enrollmentptr; 

and try print getcourseprinter crashes. believe because it's trying access doesn't exist. i'm wondering if there way call this

if (allcourses.current() != null) {     getcourseprinter(); } else {     //do nothing } 

when call:

delete enrollmentptr; 

you need remove item in environment.


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