php - symfony on windows no route found error -

new php , symfony. followed instructions outlined here setup simple helloworld project on windows 8.1 machine php version 5.6.0. however, when hitting webserver error.

no route found "get /"  error - uncaught php exception            symfony\component\httpkernel\exception\notfoundhttpexception:  "no route found "get /"" @ c:\xxx\app\cache\dev\classes.php line 2061 

gives me resourcenotfound exception following trace

in app/cache/dev/appdevurlmatcher.php @ line 135 -

        return array (  '_controller' => 'appbundle\\controller\\defaultcontroller::indexaction',  '_route' => 'homepage',);     }     throw 0 < count($allow) ? new methodnotallowedexception(array_unique($allow)) : new resourcenotfoundexception(); } 


the instructions seems unix specific. appreciated. attached screenshot of error: enter image description here

the instructions not unix specific. however, things have changed. 1 thing demo stuff has been removed "symfony standard edition" , moved seperate application. means when running symfony new ... (or composer create-project symfony/framework-standard-edition), you'll no longer have routes available.

if want see demo application, use symfony demo.


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